Thursday, 27 August 2015

fishes, fishes, fishes!

This painting I almost didn't like.  But in spite of myself, I do like it!

It was experimental and there is a mix of techniques.  Importantly, I took a few risks, essential if we are to grow a little!

Today was an errands & rest day, tomorrow a hair cut & movie day, the next a work day.  The combination of all these things nourishes me beautifully!


  1. I too like your experiment, and the concept of experimenting in general as well. You're right--if we never experiment we will never grow! xoO

  2. Thanks for coming by to visit, Patti. I love all the art I am seeing here. Good to take risks and look at the wonderful results from doing so.

  3. very nice. yes, a bit different. more abstract. glad you have found such a nice balance of activities in your life. Do you still work in the shoe store?

  4. Thanks Suki! Yes I am still working in the shoe store and enjoying it a lot. It's a job that challenges me to think on my feet and I love meeting all the different people. Love seeing you on your blog again!


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