Monday, 20 April 2009

proteas, painting & picasso

proteas left over from my mother's funeral arrangement.

I deliberately put aside all things creative these past few weeks in an attempt to focus on household things, my mother's funeral and family business. Although I have been really busy, thoughts of paintings kept creeping in. My fingers have been itching to pick up a paintbrush again and my soul needs to get smoochy with colour again!

Yesterday I topped up my art supplies and bought an A3 watercolour block of paper and two tubes of purple paint in a particular shade I have been trying to mix, yet could only manage to create a muddy aubergine - I gave in, took the shortcut and bought it! Since one of my sisters has put in a request for a fish painting I have some inspiration to work from.

Today has been cool, grey & rainy and I am looking forward to curling up on my lounge tonight to read 'Picasso & His Collection' a book my sister brought back from a visit to this exclusive exhibition held in Brisbane at the Gallery of Modern Art.

I must try doing some sketching in ink, like this...


  1. Patti it is good to hear from you. I have been thinking of you in this time after your mom's death. good that you have been tending to lower chakra tasks. they can be soothing to do sometimes i think. but now you are looking fWD to more painting and maybe sketching. Wonderful. Blessings, Suki

  2. ps i have never seen this flower. nor even heard of it. thank you. very lovely.

  3. I'm glad you'll be returning to your painting shortly. Family business, especially when a death is involved, is so draining. I know you will need to recharge with your art. Peace, Patti!

  4. So many delicious things. What a nice sister, too.

  5. Patti,,,the floral arrangement is lovely...I hope you are doing okay in your period of grief. Nice that the paints are calling to you.

    I have an award for you on my blog when you feel like coming to get it.
    (sunday, 4/26) Lynn


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