~ Here I am, back blogging and doodling in my journal after a few weeks break from all things creative. Thoughts of a new painting have been pestering me lately, so it might now be time to get back to it all. This one was the last one painted, it seems like months ago! It's been good to have a break and it's given me the opportunity to think about what I am creating and what I might do differently.
~ Yesterday I had fun watching 'Julie & Julia' at the movies - a warm and funny movie. I loved seeing the streets of Paris - the bread, the cheeses, the wine - and came out of the movie feeling very hungry! Julia Child's upbeat character was irrepressible, considering she must have had a kitchen sink full of pots and pans to wash up each night! A joyful creative!
~ And lucky me! I won a prize from Sandy over at the dreaming cafe last week - a free copy of Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles? Something to look forward to in the post. I have not been so much blocked as pre-occupied with other things. Still, it will be interesting to see what Steve Pressfield has to say.