Sunday 19 April 2015


I was quite inspired this morning to paint some pages in my journal.  More than usual that is!  I've been browsing through Holy Fool a sensational compilation of artworks by Michael Leunig.  His art touches my soul in a big way and I am inspired to paint like no-one is watching!  It's crazy how cramped you can feel creatively if you worry about what people think of your art, or if you simply respond to what the 'market' wants to see.  I love the absolute freedom to simply be me!

I have my painting table set up in my dining room that overlooks the garden, a room with lots of natural light.  I purchased some more paints recently too, meaning I am using a slightly different palette of colour.  Some of these journal pages will become paintings on canvas as soon as I can make my way back into my studio!

Not bad for a mornings play!

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