Brave thing this week;
I approached a headstand with confidence and went up with ease. Yay! It's now back into my practice after a couple of years avoiding it, for fear of aggravating a neck injury. Conversely, headstands make your neck and shoulders strong and flexible. I feel I did the right thing using caution though.
I remember when I first began learning to do a headstand. I spent many a day trying (too hard) to master it, falling down backwards and forwards, going red in the face, feeling disoriented and dizzy. It took a lot of bravery back then to keep going back for more. For so long I just didn't get it and my ego didn't like this one bit! However, I persevered.
The day I achieved it was when I finally managed to string together all the elements required - breath, bravery, concentration, poise, balance & alignment, abdominal strength, letting go of ego and finally, grace. And like riding a bike, once you learn, you never forget.
Picture: journal page doodling, the middle awaits some writing.