Sunday, 28 February 2010

All You Need ...

'prehistoric fish' - journal page

My head has been filled lately, with thoughts on love, friendship, and communication. How one friend described relationships as having emotional bank accounts that are usually in credit, so some slips, mistakes and mis-communication are forgiven, life goes on. Sometimes though, that bank account slips into the red and the relationship ends.

I have no problem with living without money in my 'actual' bank account, there is always something out there for the resourceful. (not recommended though!) Love though, is real wealth, what we are all seeking in everything we do. And like all forms of abundance, those who already have plenty of love, seem to attract even more.

I have found myself back doing yoga & meditation again (a joy to me) and this is what I think about. How we use love as a way to wield power by either giving it or withholding it. What would you do for love? When would you withhold love? How would it feel to be without love? What if mis-communication somehow blocked the path to love? Lots to meditate on.

However your emotional bank account sits at the moment, I'm sure you'll agree, love is the spark that starts the engine, the flint that lights the fire. Love is a verb. It's all you need.

Friday, 19 February 2010

Clever Tag Cloud

I had some fun creating a Tag Cloud, made from words entered on this blog. I think the Tag Cloud knows something!

created at

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

A Day in the Life

I have seen a few of these on blogs around the place and itched to make my own. So far I have only covered a few days and I am enjoying the mini journaling of my day already. There is not much big happening in my life, but this is all about the little things, that can often be more important. It is no secret that I love colour, yet I have always enjoyed cartooning and drawing in black ink just as much. It is sharp, articulate and quick.

I am reminded of the 'one sentence journal', where you write a single sentence to capture something that happened on a particular day. Maybe it was your childs first step, or you may have seen a beautiful bird from your window, or maybe you cooked something special. These little memories are priceless! We stopped writing in ours mostly because we didn't have a place to keep it open, to encourage us to write in it. I may just pull it out again.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Sneak Preview

Okay, so the blog break is over already! I can't keep away!

I have not produced a painting for about six months and this has been because there has been a lot happening in my life - big health issues that have interferred with sleep, extreme heat to cope with this summer, new friends to get to know, end of old year activities, start of new year activities.

Life seemed to take over and while journaling was happening in spurts, there was no clear space in my head or energy for a big painting. I have never been able to produce good art if I am tired and distracted. It takes a lot of energy to be creative and there are lots of decisions you must make at every turn, whether you are painting, writing poetry or making music.

How do your creative babies arrive? Quickly, one after the other, or are they born slowly and magestically? Mine are usually in the latter camp. A few days ago after a couple of nights deep and refreshing sleep, I knew exactly what the next painting would be and was able to sketch it out quickly in my shopping list notepad.

This here is a sneak preview and it is far from finished. Lots of detail to be added and the cat badly needs a makeover! I am loving this painting and feel as though the break has been good for me.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Live Now, Live Kind, Live True.

I'm taking a break from blogging for a while. I may get to keep up with your blogs hopefully, though I won't be posting here. Thank you to all who share this space with me here. I'll see you when I get back!
In the meantime.......

Live Now, Live Kind, Live True