Friday 16 March 2007

For My Artist Child

This is a little piece of verse that I wrote for my Artist Child. An Artist Child is the part of you that has never grown up, who overrides your adult self and says, come on, lets play and have fun. For an exercise in the Artists Way I had to choose an occupation that I would like to have if I was not doing what I'm doing now, and then do something that echoes this occupation in some way. eg. Go horse riding if you like the idea of being a cowboy. We were not supposed to over think this exercise, so I went with my first thought of a writer and illustrator of children's books. The poetry and the simple illustrations are in the spirit of letting my artist child play and have fun.

The verse, just in case you can't read my writing, from left to right, is as follows;
This is Me!

Morning sun throws out gold to fill up the sky.
I wake, thoughts wash through my brain as I lie.

I eat in a room filled with joy and sunshine
and I vow to myself that this day shall be mine.

I pack up my things and I climb on my bike
and pedal and pedal, this is just what I like.

Happiness bubbles, I recognise glee,
I dance and I twirl, this is me, this is me!

I pedal back home with a smile on my face,
I need no-one to tell me I'm in the right place.

The moon rises up as I sink into sleep,
and dreams take my soul to a midnight blue deep.


  1. What a wonderful exercise! I think I shall try it --- I would be a zoologist - now, what can I do?

    Perhaps you should consider doing this - the kid in me enjoyed this.

  2. Your intentional child-like drawings are fantastic. The colours you have used are very nice. It is difficult for adults to get that innocent view of a child on paper but you have here. Nice words too.

  3. Great idea and I like where you went with it.....

  4. I loved your poem and the colourful drawings that go with it

  5. Patti- you have successfully put into verse my childhood experience!WOW! I remember summers in Connecticut when I spent most of the day riding my bike and definitely living in the moment. No pressures ... just being a kid.
    I absolutely LOVE this ... and the colors (well, you know I'm ALL about color)! Yeah, and we chose the same template for our blogs. We're cool.


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