Saturday, 5 January 2008

Lazy Days

Happy New Year everyone!

Our first days of the New Year have been lazy and spent with no sense of time. Truly a luxury. Our house resembles a ramshackle library with so many books lying around and with the resident Domestic Goddess on holiday, a tad messy. Our car is full of sand from many trips to the beach, (imagine x four irrepressible long-haired 14 year old boys and a border collie in the back of a station wagon, windows down, plus four boogie boards, four towels, the smell of sunscreen in the air - now you're beginning to get the picture!)

I have bought a couple of canvases which are about to be transformed. One will be a cat painting, a house warming present for a friend. The other is beginning to take shape in my mind, almost complete. Most of my art over the holidays has been in my journal, and hopefully you will get some idea from these pages I have posted here, even though I couldn't fit all of the design on my scanner. I will add a quote to the centre of this design, as soon as I find one I like. Suggestions welcome!

An idea/project I hope to begin this year is to create a separate illustrated journal of my own poetry, which can be added to as I create more. I am really looking forward to this project and have lots of ideas on how to tackle it.

Lots to think about, lots to do.


  1. It sounds delicious, Patti! xxoo, O

  2. I had a good chuckle at the image of you and the four boys. How fun. I love your journal pages and the idea of making a journal of your poetry. Lovely. Be well, Suki

  3. Awesome journal pages - I love this type of bold design. My Daugher, who is a dancer not a drawer/painter - does wonderful things like this. All I can do is drool. I love the hard edgeiness of your work, that each color has it's own definite space. I must work on that this year. Thanks for the inspiration (and thanks for stopping by my blog! =])

  4. wonderful days with these beautiful designs, not lazy at all for you I guess!


  5. You are so talented.
    And I love your words... "resident Domestic Goddess on holiday"...put that in a painting!
    It's been wonderful getting to know you and your art this past year. I look forward to many more visits.
    all the best for 2008

  6. the colors!

  7. What a wonderful way to welcome the New Year - easing into it gently! Your creative juices sound like they have gone from simmer to boil and will be spilling forth shortly. I LOVE the illustrated journal of poetry idea. Here's to you and a creative 2008! Cheers!!

  8. Patti, your art just fills me with happiness.

  9. Have you been COOL your whole life?! I bet YES! This is a great and gorgeous idea, my friend! I am hoping to begin the birthing process tomorrow - new painting. I have been sketching, but the time is nearing ...

  10. Have a wonderful and creative 2008 Patti. I love your journal!

  11. i totally love your journal pages. you have such a great eye for design!!

  12. I like your beautiful colorful work!
    I'll be back
    Greetings Marianne

  13. Happy New Year! It's rainy and gray here, so seeing your beautiful and stunningly colorful paintings makes my heart sing! Thank you!

  14. Nice posting, thank you,

    Happy New Year, Patti! And best wishes for a healthy and successful 2008

  15. suggestion: why not one of your poems?

    Because of your weblog and the link to suziblu I got so inspired that I will buy a journal today!

  16. This wonderful sunny "picture in words", of the sand/boys/sunshine/car/dog, really threw me a curve: it is bitterly cold, cold, COLD here and of course, I forgot, you have SUMMER!! What a groovy family you are :-)

    Fabulous journal pages, I love the bright colour and strong designs... so very Patti. Enjoy your new project, look forward to seeing it revealed.


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