Tuesday, 7 December 2010


I've been doing a little zentangling (if there is such a word!)

Christmas is on its way here in my neighbourhood.  Twinkling christmas lights are up on houses and the street christmas party was held last weekend.  We have been head down and tail up getting ready for our move so it's been good to see festivities going on around us, even though we can't join in yet. I have not set foot in a mall this season either and I'm not missing that experience one bit!

Lots of unseasonal rain about this summer, in fact a good chunk of our state has been declared a disaster area due to floods and we're expecting rain on moving day.  If so we go to Plan B!

Please send some healing vibes to Suki who is facing the possibility of an operation next week.  May all be well there.


  1. I really like your Zentangles, Patti, because they look like Zentangles but they have your style to them, so they are unique. I love them and they look like they'd be great fun to color as well. Either way, so cool, Patti! xoO

  2. I think zentangles are a great way to go whilst in the middle of a move. Hope it doesnt rain.

    Thanks for the good wishes for me. Blessings, Suki

  3. ooooh, I LOVE your Zentangle!!!!


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