Tuesday 11 October 2011

Everyday Things

A couple of journal pages ...made in the evenings after dinner.  TV is mostly uninspiring and distracts me from being creative anyway, so listening to music or ABC radio keeps me amused and productive at the same time.

Daylight saving hours have arrived at last with Spring lagging far behind, bringing us lots of rain and cooler weather.  I think it's going to be a wet summer somehow!

Looking back over old journals I see it's been 12 months since we sold our old  house and began packing to move.  My journal was a godsend during those stressful months and I filled up pages and pages with writing.  I can't believe time has moved so fast! 

I enjoyed a journal class with my regular ladies last week and we explored decorative borders and lettering, achieving great results by following a simple idea!

Filling my days off work with busy everyday things - washing the dog, shopping, weeding, planting, watering, sweeping, washing windows..... happy times!


  1. You sound so happy Patti and the everyday things are so beautiful.

    I long for days when there is a rhythm and a simplicity, days not filled with crisis and chaos--but not true upheaval--instead, the created turmoil that often swirls around those who spend their lives as slaves to addiction. I gain strength online, including here, where I always find peace, beauty, and clean lines, inspiring me to build such a life for myself, no matter what is going on around me.

    Thank you for the inspiration, as always, Blessings and love, Olivia

  2. I had my TV service disconnected. For years I had no TV but here at Mom's house it was hooked up and I just got around disconnecting as I never watch.

    nice to spend the time with art.

  3. So glad to know life's sweet and simple things are bringing you quiet joy.
    Enjoy !
    Light and love !


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