Tuesday 13 January 2009

laugh out loud

how do you ride a wave of stress when it comes? these five things i have found helpful at different times, but the last one trumps all!

the guest house rumi's words are so beautiful and comforting, i always feel peaceful after reading his poetry.

this mug should be in every household and brought out in times of need, maybe with camomile tea in it. it's good, sound advice that you can't argue with. there is a poster too, i believe.

rescue remedy is famous for providing instant calm when needed. keep it in a place that you can reach easily.

child's pose is very restful. helpful when you are over-tired and stressed. a good morning-after-a-late-night pose. stay there for as long as you like, breathing steadily, in through your nose and out through your nose.

laughter wins! i'm going to watch this every morning!


  1. Patti, all wonderful stress busters. The last one: I just never knew there were so many laughing styles! When they got to the man in the yellow and black shirt, ....too much.

    Love Rumi.
    I wonder if rescue remedy would help me with my psychotic fear of the dentist?


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