Tuesday 20 January 2009

Secret No 2: honouring your inspiration

i am participating in the next chapter , reading 12 secrets of highly creative women

artistic inspiration is everywhere: so i take time to absorb what is around me, to really take notice of every little thing - what do i see, what do i hear, what do i feel, what can i touch, what can i smell, what do i dream ...... i don't think about it too much, just allow it all to percolate. art supplies ever ready, my hands take care of the rest.

a leafy garden pierced with sunlight

parrots chattering in the treetops

a patchwork quilt

potent dreams

a single word

a man with red hair walking by


a surfboard & towel at the beach

a smooth grey stone

moody music

a piece of sparkly jewellery

a messy red crayon

delicate, floaty, oval leaves on the robinia tree

ripe fruit piled high in the fruit shop, fresh and fragrant.

coloured glass on a kitchen windowsill

each other

a blank journal page


  1. What a lovely list, and where do you live that there are parrots in the trees? Because I am very jealous!

  2. what beautiful inspirations! so lucky that a blank journal page is one... to me that screams intimidation! so glad you are sharing with all of us in the 'club'

  3. mmmm... wonderful list... lots of great images and inspirations...

  4. Nice. Your list is so simple, and yet so creative.
    Sometimes I think I look too hard to be inspired. I like how you find inspiration in these things.

    A blank journal...my favourite.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Lovely list and reminder to look, just look at the world around us. Love seeing the sand and the surfboard. Not that i would surf. But i'd love to be lying on the beach in the sun right now. Take care, Suki


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