Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Today at Art School I finished off the Ancient Roman bust I began last class and started on a skull - some man with a seriously lopsided face!  He needs a bit of work, but alas, it's too late for him!

Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House
It was very cold today, so I needed to rug up with socks, a scarf and quilted vest for my trip down to Sydney.  I love the seagulls scattered all over Circular Quay in the mornings and the ferries plunging through the water at peak hour. So many people rushing off to work, I wonder if they still notice how beautiful it all is!


  1. I am so excited for you being in art school. not that it's any of my business but are you still selling shoes? The shot of Sydney is beautiful. Have fun in art school.

  2. Patti, I love this header piece ! That red woke up my senses so wonderfully when I arrived here !
    Your drawing of the poor old crooked chap's skull is great. How wonderul it must be to be learning something new everyday at a real "Art School." And to have such awesome views on your journeys each day too...
    Enjoy every second, Remarkable One !

  3. Beautiful new header!!! Glad I can still see the old one on the side bar! I do love it so.
    You are having fun in so many ways! Enjoy the art creations at school! What a trip that must be; and then the journey out to Sidney is in itself an adventure for you! So pretty.

  4. I wondered too if you are still working AND going to art school AND fixing up your new villa...what a terrific adventure you are on! xoO


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