Wednesday, 2 March 2011

On My Feet

My first week learning about all the shoes in the large store I work for has been challenging, but in a good way.  I've been re-learning how to fit shoes, especially for people who need to wear orthotics or who have difficult-to-fit feet and also for growing children.  The stock reaches high to the ceiling and there are multiple storerooms.  And speaking of feet, I am on mine all day, tumbling into bed well and truly ready for sleep each night.

The bonus of working in this particular town is the vintage cafe called the Beez Kneez just around the corner.  There are very comfy lounge chairs to sink into, ambient music, great food, coffee and service with lovely old vintage wares everywhere.  So I begin my day here and pop in for lunch too.  Very relaxing!

The bromeliad in the pic above I yanked out of the garden a couple of weeks ago and threw into an old pot sans soil.  It has responded by flowering beautifully!


  1. I can just imagine how tired you must be feeling, transitioning from a lady of leisure(?)to being "on", both physically and emotionally, all day! Whew! It sounds like you're having fun with this life change which is taking you out into the world.

    And oh how I would love to live in a place where I could "yank" something out of the ground and just throw it into a pot to survive on air! Now that I think about it, it's a really great analogy to being adaptive in life too.

    Have fun with the job...and all the perks that go with it, like extra money to spend!

  2. I know that every time I start a new job it is so, so very tiring--so much learning and so many schedule changes, getting to know new people, etc.

    Your job does sound interesting, and keeps you very active too, which I think is a big perk! And the cafe sounds wonderful! It's good to hear from you, Patti. I hope all goes well,


  3. I agree with Kate - but I can say that it is amazing how quickly one adapts. At Meals on Wheels I wear a pair of Mary Jane style Crocs which are awesomely comfy. I think Rockport have them too but if your shop doesn't stock them :)

  4. This is a big transition but it sounds like you are doing it with cheer and interest and care for these folks with hard to fit feet. You are brave to take this change on, so different from your life recently.

    the bonus cafe sounds delightful. and that plant, wow. lovely.

  5. Take care of your tootsies as you re-learn to take care of other people's !
    Glad you have found a little oasis for your pleasure too.
    Keep on enjoying those everyday graces, Beautiful Patti !

  6. Stunning plant indeed!

    And don't forget to take special care of those feet of yours! Starting a new job is always challenging, but I think one that involves helping folks AND being on your feet all day must be one of the most difficult ones. Take care, and enjoy the visits to that delightful cafe.

  7. Sounds like a perfect fit (pun intended)


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