Friday 16 April 2010

Blue Fish, Pink Water & A Zebra

Are you tired of fish yet? I'm not! :)

Messing around in my journal is always fun when there's fish involved! I've been enjoying doing a little collage lately too. Cutting up magazines, getting sticky with paper glue and painting over everything with gesso. Mostly I've been inspired by a book my sister sent me - Artist's Journals & Sketchbooks by Lynne Perrella A wonderful book!

Collage takes many twists and turns and I often end up far from where where I started. That's the beauty of it to me. This is just one of my efforts. Next time I think I will make a paper quilt...


  1. Helen Jane Morley17 April 2010 at 08:32

    This is great Patti, I love the colour and the imagery :) Glad you liked the book!!

  2. never tire of fish or collages. thanks for posting that quote on my blog comments, i copied it out and see you have it on yr blog too. I love it. On a starbucks coffee cup!!!!! LOL

  3. OMGoodness!! I have been ALL about fish lately too!!! Keep it going--let's start an Art Movement!!!

    Big hugs!


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