thanks for your comments last post. i needed some balance. thank you siblings, suki, martie...
no, i don't want to 'become a nun', but i do want to become a yoga instructor. i checked with a yoga school to see what the requirements were for yoga teaching and the response was vegan, practice every day, no alcohol and moderate behaviour.
often yoga instructors are not moderate - one i read about drinks only rockmelon juice ie. no food. this is insane! my naturopath/dietitian tells me that my diet is excellent and well balanced. this should be enough i believe.
my body tells me that i need meat, not every day, but sometimes. vegan at the present time seems impossible to do and replacing food with supplements seems somehow wrong to me. i like to socialise with family and friends, so a drink now and then is enjoyable, but it's not the end of the world if i don't drink. i do like to practice every day, but my policy is 'family trumps all'.
now that my art studio is a yoga studio, i miss my art studio. i miss the colour and there are paintings queuing up inside my head that need to get out. it's a passion i find difficult to sit on.
passion is not moderate, being a strict vegetrarian is not moderate.
i will meditate some more on this.