Thursday 23 April 2015

Words to Paint By

I found these words on the back cover of Michael Leunig's book of artworks called The Holy Fool that I mentioned a couple of posts ago.  I am reminded of Julia Cameron's "Artist Child" and love this way of painting!  I'll be pasting a copy of it into the journal to keep me inspired!


"The most joyous painting is not done for the art world, it is done for the inner world; it is a self-delighting, other-worldly thing – a getting lost in regression and solitude, a sub-literate, semi-delirious way to be with the spirited little fool in the depths of one’s being for a while…..

 …….. It is a way of painting.  It is a way of living.  It is a way of transcending the banal inhibited self and finding the divine.  It is a struggling downward journey – this stumbling, daring and devout pilgrimage back to mature innocence and raw beauty; to the sublime joy, the natural intelligence and the mysterious wisdom of the holy fool."
- Michael Leunig

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